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Pelicansnout Design Inc. • SKU: 1022671

KNOO: Adventure Survival Board Game

KNOO: Adventure Survival Board Game

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KNOO is a Board Game by Gord Taylor

2-6 Players

Board Game for Family

30-90 Minutes of Gameplay

Games for Family Night/for Kids and Adults Ages 10+


Set up your tent site & head out on your knooing adventure.
Each player starts the game with an unknown tent site. Then, travel around the map with a Canoe and Paddle, Backpack and Hiking Boots or add a Wildcard.

Collect valuable items along the way.
Gather points, Whether or Not or Survival Cards and thwart disasters as the spring up during the game. 

Be first back to The Parking Lot to claim your victory!
The first player to return to the parking lot with 15 points wins! "Beware! Weather or Not you have what it takes to win, someone else may have another idea."

Learn to read map coordinates and plan your routes, learn valuable equipment and survival skills to thwart potential disasters you may encounter on a wilderness adventure.

About the Creator:

Gord Taylor was born in Winnipeg, Manitoba Canada in 1961, and at an early age became very interested in his artistic side. As a young boy he would sketch and enjoy drawing comic book characters along with a thirst for imagination. In his early 20’s, he and his brother were fond of adventure canoeing and spent much time getting to know Mother Nature. At 25, Gord moved to the woods and managed a research station after graduating from Natural Resource Management. Later he started his own Custom Design/Build Company which he still operates. His passion has always been art. One day, an old game he had started 37 years earlier, caught his attention sitting dusty on a shelf. Gord figured it was time to begin transferring those ideas to a new page. Knoo was born! Never too old to follow your dreams.